Happy Trials Tuesday
Great to see the CMA Canadian Nationals are now officially on the ATAQ Schedule for Sept 30 – Oct 1. Be sure to check out the new ATAQ website at ATAQ – Association des Trialistes Amateurs du Québec
Still working on having the CMA Nationals combined with the NATC round in Rhode Island to make for a FIM North American Championship.
Took last week off on the TdN front but we will having another team meeting this week or next to keep things moving. We have had some nice prizes contributed to the team that we are thinking of raffling off to people who have made donations to the team – The biggest thing so far is a very nice beer fridge from our friends at a large national brewing company (more details coming soon).
It is fantastic to see that donations are still coming in – slow and steady which will hopefully get us to our goal of supporting having a full Canadian team representing Canada at the TdN - https://gofund.me/8082491f
On the website front, I have started developing a database and user interface for collecting results from across the country. The end goal is to have a way to rank all riders at all levels across Canada. It is a big goal but great to be getting it started. So far I have the database created and have it connected to the webpage, so the foundation is in place… now just have to build on it.
The training camp in Ottawa May 13 will likely be just 1 day at this point – still hoping to generate more interest so please spread the word.
On the International front – The live SSDT coverage from Jitsie has been great so far this week. A little sad not to see any Canadians this year, it was such a treat to follow Jonathan and Stan last year.
On the local front (NS) – We have had practice days the last 3 Sundays – hope to keep them going as it is always great to be on the pegs with friends.
Keep your feet on the pegs,